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Multiple listing service (MLS)

The Multiple Listing Service, or MLS, is a database containing all of the real estate listings in an area. Homes that are for sale directly by the owner are not included in the database. The database allows real estate professionals to review, analyze, and search for...

Mortgage broker

A mortgage broker helped to pair lenders with buyers who meet the lenders requirements. The broker is not providing the financing of the loan, but will earn commission from any loan that results from a referral by the broker. A broker can be a great resource for...


A mortgage is a loan that is secured to finance the purchase of a home. Compared to other types of loans, mortgages typically carry lower interest rates because they are secured loans. What that means is that a borrower could have their home repossessed by the lender...

Loan estimate

A loan estimate is provided by a mortgage broker or lender that will detail the costs and fees associated with processing the loan. Inspection fees, taxes, and insurance are examples of the types of things included. In the United States, the lender must provide a loan...