Real Estate Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y X Z A Adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) After repair value (ARV) Amortization Appraisal Assessed value Automated valuation model (AVM) B Broker Buyer’s agent C Cash reserves Cash to close Closing Closing costs Comparables Competitive market analysis (CMA) Contingencies Contract D Deed Designated agent Disclosure Dual agency E Earnest money Easement Equity Escrow Estate F Fix and flip Fixed rate mortgage Foreclosure H Home equity line of credit (HELOC) Home inspection Home warranty Homeowners insurance I Interest Intestate Investment property Investor L Lien Listing Listing agent Loan estimate M Mortgage Mortgage broker Multiple listing service (MLS) O Off-market Offer P Points Power of attorney Pre-approval letter Pre-foreclosure Principal Private money lender Private mortgage insurance (PMI) Property tax R Real estate agent Real estate broker Realtor Refinancing Reverse mortgage S Second mortgage Short sale Showing Staging T Tenant Title Title insurance Transfer tax