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Homeowners insurance

When any damage occurs to a home, homeowners insurance protects the homeowner from depreciation in value. Homeowners insurance also helps to cover loss due to theft, and can help with liability to protect the homeowner if an accident occurs on their...

Property tax

Real estate is taxed by the local government where the property is located. Assessments of the property are conducted periodically to assess the value of the home and ensure that it is taxed...


A title is a legal term that refers to the ownership of a property. By holding a title to a home, a person has legal rights and responsibilities and ownership control of the home. Titles may be an individual or two or more people, and can also be held by companies...


Staging is the preparation for listing a house on the market. Staging may involve redecorating, cleaning and decluttering, or making other aesthetic changes to make the home appealing to the highest amount of buyers...